News & Updates from Sue Douglas Designs
This is a butterfly cage that I made for my Mum-in-Law's 80th birthday, which was last weekend. I really enjoyed spending time crafting, as these days, unless it's my own designs I'm making up, I spend all of my spare time designing for CUP!!!
It took about 50 hours to make all the embellishments, for the cage, and my Grand Calibur was extremely busy!
My Mum-in-Law, Vera, was delighted with it, when I gave it to her, on her birthday weekend! She also had a wonderful suprise, when her younger brother and his wife, who live in Vancover, Canada, flew over for the weekend, arriving on his sister's birthday!
Needless to say, she was extremely suprised to see them, and a very good weekend, was had by us all!
Therefore, I think it's quite apt, that I should promote my new Butterfly Fantasia Decoupage Kit! Don't you just love butterflies?!!!