Here is a really neat technique that I learned from one of the ladies from Circle of Crafters. Have you ever tried making straight, smooth lines around the very edge of a card or aperture?

Well, if you have hands anywhere near as steady as MINE, that is NOT going to happen! :-O Enter this realllllly cool technique! First, you will need a set (or one or two) metallic markers.

It is best to start out with Brand New ones as the tips won't already be pressed on from writing. (first photo) Next, take a pair of Scissor (yes, really!) and using the Edge of one of the blades, press DOWN into the tip of the marker until you get a nice V. (second and third photo) Now, to use them, you just place your card in the V and slide the marker along the edge of the card....Voilá have the perfect edge on your card! (fourth photo) Here is a complete set of the markers...colors for all occasions!

Have fun! ...the possibilities are ENDLESS!)

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Carol Lepard Professional Designer Mi, United States