Step 1. Print the bracket card and wrap that you have chosen then cut out around the outlines, I have used the Lily card and matching wrap and printed it on cream card. Step 2.
Punch holes in the centre of the flaps of the wrap using which ever hole punch choice you have, I have put flap end to flap end to ensure I get the holes aligned. Step 3.
Turn the wrap so the printing is pointing outward then place the card with printing outward, glue back to back but not gluing the flaps. Step 4.
After gluing the backs together your card should now be looking like this. Step 5.
Thread your ribbon through the holes you have made in the flaps, secure the end of the flap either behind the bracket card flap with dry glue or use a brad in the ribbon hole to secure. Step 6.
Once both flaps have had ribbon pulled through them the card should be looking nearly finished. Step 7. Tie the ribbon and trim the ends and the card is finished.