This seller currently has 0 unanswered support requests and 5 open support requests. They have received a total of 29 support requests since June 25, 2016, of which 24 have been successfully closed. If support is important to you then you may find this information helpful.

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Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Requests

View all 5 messages10 Floral and Diamonds Toppers

April 12, 2021 2:06 PMGlenys Linehan


I purchased Diamond Toppers Gold Star Ref #: cup894597_543. I have been trying to complete a card topper from the purchase. I have tried 2 of the Silver ones with keys as it is for a 21st birthday. Unfortunately although it doesn't look to have cut marks on the lace when uploaded nor on the printed copy but it starts to cut out the diamonds that are on the inside. I have tried various times uploaded and reprinting but the same occurs I have not tried the gold ones as they are not one I would use at this time. Sorry but this keeps happening. I am using Design Space there is no way I can go into the design to change the cutting marks.


View all 2 messagesJust a Hi

December 25, 2020 9:41 PMMiriam Laister

Hi Vicki,

I love reading your news of the Bay, as I lived in Toogoom for 12 years. Your recent mention of Enzos made me smile, as it was a favourite spot for my daughter and the family had lunch there when I did a tandam sky dive for my 70th birthday. Love your designs.


View all 4 messagesdl card

October 16, 2020 1:24 PMeithne hynes

Hi I was looking at your new dl cards and was shocked by the price 2.48 there is nothing different than the other kits which are 8x8 at 1.33,I would love to have purchased it but that is way too expensive,Regards Eithne

View all 2 messagesTOU

March 1, 2020 3:10 PMToni Martin

I'm interested in buying your designer resource Beach Walk No 2, but can't locate your terms of use? Kind Regards, Toni

View all 7 messagesFloral Art Deco Bumper Kit

January 9, 2020 2:52 PMCarol Pulford

Hi Vicki,

Would I be able to use these as designer resources or are they just for card making.

Hugs Carol xx

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Requests