Mosaics were traditionally made with bits of tile or glass, but a paper mosaic is a great project for art classes and for parents to do with their kids. The only rule is to have fun.At the same time,it also increases one's ability to develop his/her sense about beautification and sublimity
Lightly Draw a picture on a piece of paper but do not shade it or put a lot of details in it. The objective is simply to create an outline for the image you will be creating.
Get some colored paper. You can use construction paper, or you can look in your junk mail for glossy catalogs with brightly colored photos.
Cut or shred the paper into small pieces. You can make regular pieces, like squares or triangles, or let the shapes be irregular for a different effect.
Glue your pieces of paper over the sketch you just made. Leave a small gap between each piece for a tiled effect, or place them close together or overlapping for a different look.
Let it dry. If you'd like to keep it sturdy and able to hang on walls, glue onto a thick piece of cardboard.
- Think about your project, don't make it mundane.
- You can use different shapes and sizes in your mosaic to add a little bit more originality to your paper mosaic.
- You can make your mosaic look like something concrete, such as a tiger or a fountain, or you can simply make interesting patterns, or make a picture of a friend with your mosaic.
- Look at tile floors and tile mosaics for inspiration.
- You can make your mosaic from rice, paper, candy, basically anything you want!
- Be careful when using scissors.
- Be careful when using super glue, it is preferable to use craft glue instead.
Things You'll Need
- Construction paper or colored paper
- Scissors
- Glue or glue stick
- Pencil
- Cardboard (if you want to hang it)