News & Updates from Diane Hannah · Page 11
This is my son, Will having a fabulous time learning to blow a glass vase. His wife Morgan booked a weekend trip for his birthday. The photo is him taking a glass blowing class. He had a choice of a glass or a vase.
He had such a good time learning to do this. The next stop was a three hour walking dead tour. He and Morgan are huge fans of the show. They went to many filming spots the show uses, and the tour guide is a guy who makes regular guest appearances on the show.
They then went to a very trendy steak restaurant that brings a different selection of food every 20 minutes, and you eat until you are so full you can't chew another bite!
That was day one of his wonderful birthday weekend. Saturday and Sunday was packed full of three more adventures. Morgan did a great job to give him a once in a lifetime weekend. Here are two of my newest designs, thank you for looking xx
Here are Addison and Olivia at a friend's wedding. The couple are from Mexico, so their wedding traditions were new to Addison and Olivia both. They got to witness them getting married at the wedding ceremony, which was at a church.
Then they went to the reception, which was at a different place. The menu had tacos on it, so they were both very happy, as they love tacos. They also got to dance, and had a great time! Here are a couple of my newest designs, thank you for looking xx
It has finally snowed in North Carolina! My sister Linda and her dog Blondie, a Husky have been waiting for snow all season. Well they got their wish yesterday. It snowed five inches in all.
When she woke up this morning she was like a little kid, and could not wait to get the dog on her leash to get outside and play.
It snowed earlier in the season in the mountainous areas, and her area had an ice storm last week, but this was the first real snowstorm this winter.
Personally I love the warm weather and can't wait for springtime... hopefully it will be soon.
What a lovely time to have a father - daughter dance. For Olivia this will be a first. She is in kindergarten, and they hosted a Valentine's Day dance, that included all of the doting daddy's! They dressed in matching colors, which included red.
Her mom had her hair curled for the occasion, and her dad presented her with a red rose. I am sure she will press it in a book and keep if forever. They had the most magical evening. Here are two of my newest designs xx
My granddaughter Allison with one of her best buddies, Roy, can't you just see the love. A beautiful girl and a beauty of a horse, too! This is a horse used as a therapy horse for children.
Allison is not in the therapy program, but her sister is, as she is a special needs child. Their mom, Leslie a true shutter bug...and loves to take photos. Not a professional photographer, but I think she may have missed her calling! She takes the most beautiful photographs. All of my desigs are on special for the next four days! Featuring a bumper kit and St. Patricks Day.
Thank you for looking xx