News & Updates from Diane Hannah · Page 12
This is my nephew and his family on holiday in the North Carolina mountains. Having so much fun snow tubing, with his wife and children. This is their first adventure in a cold climate. They are from southern Florida, which is a semi tropical area.
The children had never been in a cold climate and had not experienced snow. As you can seen they are having the time of their lives! They had to buy a complete wardrobe each, as they don't wear any of this type of clothing where they live.
They have tried to pack as much fun into this trip as possible.
Soon they will go home, but I am sure they will remember this trip for years to come! Featured are a couple of my favorite kits. Thank you!
Here are four of my grandchildren on a recent vacation to the beach. They are all piled up in order of age. Poor Dawson on the bottom is two minutes older than his twin sister Riley. Next is Cameron who is six minutes older than his twin Caitlyn.
All four children are brothers and sisters. Now that's truly a package deal!! Here a couple of my newest designs, I love the asymmetric style. Fast and easy to make!
This is a photo of my nephew Matthew on his birthday. He is the newest little photographer in our family, and he is taking pictures of everything! He loves his new camera. With a little practice he may be a photo journalist when he grows up!
It was a lovely day and everyone had a blast eating, drinking, and playing with the kids. Here are two of my most recent cards. To see them all type asymmetric in the search next to my name, thank you!
This was not our usual Thanksgiving get together. Normally we all have separate family gatherings. This year was awesome! There are four siblings, all married, with children, and grandchildren. We all live in different parts of the country. We rented a beautiful old (built in the 1920's) house.
Three stories nestled in the mountains of North Carolina. A lovely visit, great food, and an amazing view of the mountains. This was the first time we have all been together for Thanksgiving in about 10 years. A great trip, lots of catching up, and fun for all. Here are a couple of my favorite sheets
This is a photo of my son William and my granddaughter. They had a great time going trick or treating as Elsa from the movie Frozen and Will as... well I don't know exactly who he was.
He loves getting made up each year as some scary blood dripping character.
The whole neighborhood can't wait to see how his wife Morgan paints him up! Elsa (aka Olivia) gave him a most appropriate nick name Zippy. Olivia got lost of candy, and they took lots of pictures.