News & Updates from Hilary Hallas, · Page 4

Showing 16 - 20 of 23 News Items
Jan 22, 2013

I'm very proud to announce that I have just been upgraded to a Gold Designer for CUP. What a wonderful feeling!

It has taken a bit of time to get here, I've been designing for CUP since June 2010, but my enthusiasm and love of all things CUP has not waned one little bit!

Thanks to all the wonderful crafters who have bought my designs and uploaded their cards to the site and Rob and his team who provide such brilliant support and make it all possible!

Dec 1, 2012

Here's our gorgeous little granddaughter Izzy with the advent calendar I made her. She's getting so big, she was one year old on November 1st, and we haven't actually met her properly yet.

Her mum constantly uploads new photos on Facebook so we've watched her grow on line and they are hoping to get over here to see us in France after the new year some time, hopefully in February - we can't wait!

Nov 20, 2012

I thought people might like to see a picture of the new addition to our animal family. Her name is Aimee and she is just delightful. She arrived out of nowhere and just adopted us.

We had planned to get another dog eventually as a companion for our English Setter Joli, after we so sadly lost our darling Pataud earlier this year, so her arrival has been warmly welcomed.

Of course we advertised her and reported her as found everywhere we had to but as she had no identification and no-one claimed her, this morning we took her to the vets and got her chipped, vacinated, passported and registered to us.

I shall now have to start getting some cute photos of her to make some cards with, like this one I made of Pataud.

Sep 2, 2012

Well I've made it successfully through my second total hip replacement (left hip this time) and am now recovering at home.

I've made up all the card sheets I had printed off before going into hospital and uploaded pictures of the cards onto my crafter gallery and am now itching to get going designing again so my husband Nigel has set me up with my laptop etc on the settee.

I've bought a batch of Crafty Bob's Sassy Cheryl clipart so I'm looking forward to uploading plenty of cute cards like this one, cup347636_819 Sweet Indulgence.

Sweet Indulgence
Sweet Indulgence
Price: $ 1.00
Add To Cart
Aug 2, 2012

I'm so excited to have finally made it to become a Silver Crafter. As an Exclusive CUP Designer one of my favourite pastimes is surfing through the designer resource section and getting the gold stars on resources I really like is an added bonus.

There are so many great designer resources on CUP and I was so pleased when Crafty Bob started uploading his clipart and the Rob Pohl art is so beautiful.

I was dissillusioned at a Christmas Fayre by how few cards I sold so now I send my cards over to England (I live in Brittany) to my sister who sells them at a church youth centre she volunteers for in Plymouth to help raise funds for the centre.

I print off my sheets before uploading them anyway so why not make up the card and help raise funds for a worthy cause.

Showing 16 - 20 of 23 News Items